On-Site Temperature Screening for COVID-19 infection prevention
Environmental and Safety Solutions completely manages the project, providing a manager, a medical manager and shift supervisors to manage temperature takers who have a medical background. ESS can also provide non- medical with oversight from our medical manager and supervisors.
All procedures and practices are written by the medical manager in consultation with the EHS manager of Environmental and Safety Solutions to ensure compliance with CDC guidelines.
We provide a hands-free program that meets all current guidance and is flexible enough to meet future changes to that guidance.
Environmental and Safety Solutions is capable of providing all the needs of your temperature taking entry procedures, including the writing of protocols and identification of authorized entry points in conjunction with your EHS and security staff.
We are capable of providing additional wraparound services to your COVID-19 prevention efforts upon request. This includes disinfectants, microband, cleaning systems for better system management
Environmental and Safety Solutions is capable of providing its own personal protective equipment for our personnel and associated equipment needed to properly execute this program.
Amazon Distribution Hub in Erlanger, KY
Environmental and Safety Solutions is providing temperature screeners the largest construction site in the hemisphere, the Amazon Distribution Hub construction site at the Cincinnati International Airport in Erlanger, KY. This project is run by WhitingTurner-Kokosing Construction.
We provide both traffic control and temperature takers at entry points into the
As part of the duties of our personnel, they also do some cleaning during slow times at the direction of the Whiting Turner-Kokosing team.